Thank you so much for articulating all of this for us. As a very progressive person living in the Atlanta suburbs, former church staff (non-clergy worship leader and accompanist), and leader and member of an ELCA congregation for 20 years, all of this resonated with me as a lay person. We left this congregation last year after much hand wringing, because of pastoral leadership and an extreme inward focus following Covid shutdown. So much of what you detail from the clergy-pastor perspective also feels relevant to our family. The loss of proximity that exposed many of our deep friendships as…not that deep. The political and ideological divide that didn’t seem to be there until we left. The harm that is currently taking place (imo) because it’s a Reconciling in Christ congregation in name only now. I will be reading this book now for more guidance on how to heal and move forward. Thank you again for sharing your story.

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After reading your article I felt the need to support the work you have done to make GSLC an inclusive church. As one who grew up Missouri Synod Lutheran but changed to ELCA for a less rigid church, then moving here and joining your church has been uplifting to see enthusiastic children and families. Each Sunday I too wonder where are all the people? Too many folks missing a great sermon that gives one much to think about in the week ahead. Keep up the good work and glad you are committed to feeding your flock and take care of yourself we need you.

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Once upon a time, (1969-1990) our church recovered from a split. The vote to reach out to the Black community passed by one- thus, half left.The ALC assisted financiallly until we became self-supporting once again. The caviat was that “something was happening” - and it was. Otherwise there was little interaction with the Synod. But financial assist was there & it made all the difference. Collegiality with other pastors was modest- maybe there wasn’t time for it to be robust. Happily, in that time, place, the attendance grew, largely as a result of kids leading the way.

Commend you for your faith ride in this very different day!

Sig Arnesen

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I have wondered how you do SO much, how you weathered the split in your church, how the church at large supported you…thank you for sharing. This old lady in Minnesota (in a less progressive church, but one that is taking baby steps) is praying for you.

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I'm appreciating you even more Clint. Blessings on the deep journey you're making, and the sharing of it.

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