SO glad you're attending that conference (which I had no time to do), and SO glad that you are offering this thoughtful insight!

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The conference was very focused and as a result offered itself as a great summary of Rosa's work. I feel like I have a very clear sense of it now.

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I'd be cautious with words like "almost no one". I have maintained contact with Lutheran pastors and communities for decades, both EKD and SELK, where membership is still active even if the churches aren't packed any more than ours are. I just returned from a trip in which I visited with pastors and worshipped on two Sundays with congregations. Lots to talk about here. I enjoy reading your mind.

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That's fair. The "almost no one" was language from people there. Just looking I see about 3% of Germans attend church. That's... not a lot... Thanks for reading and engaging!

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Good American comment. We tend to judge Christian faith by church attendance. I find it fascinating that a typical editorial in Germany can read, e.g., "in a Christian country like this, that shouldn't happen." Germany can say that with its two "official" Christian State churches. We can't, because we have a separation of church and state. The definition of what constitutes a Christian society or community is worth a discussion. I enjoy your creative mind.

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