
I definitely don’t think the performance was disrespectful. As I said in my post what the Dionysian meal evoked for me as a Christian was the transgressive nature of the Eucharist that is an overcoming of sacrifice in and through sacrifice. I think art can help us see our own beliefs in new ways, in this case salutary ones.

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Like a mirror

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I’m reading some analysis that the depiction was itself an homage to another piece of art “the feast of Dionysus.” I don’t think this substantively changes what I’ve written but does prove I’m no expert in art history. That’s ok.

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It would be easier to accept the argument that it wasn't meant to mock Christianity if there hadn't been an ongoing assault of Christian beliefs. To the woke, Christianity has been the enemy. You can claim Dionysian all you like but, the "halo" points directly to the last supper. If the Olympics are intended to bring countries together, perhaps they should stay away from issues that divide us. There are far better ways to make a point than insulting anyone's religion is probably not the way to do it. Humans have waged war over religion more than any other issue.

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That's not a halo, it's a depiction of the sun god Apollo...who is wearing...a sun...

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Actually all depictions of halos for figures in the bible have no basis in actual teachings of Christ. It, like so much nonsense, was an invention of the catholic church and has its roots in incorporating beliefs of a sun god when Christianity was modified early on as a tool to unite people of different faiths. Everytime you see a halo around some "Saint's " painted head you should think only one thing: a.vestigial reminder that what most profess to be Christianity is not, in fact, biblical, nor truly Christian.

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Do not sugar coat a very explicit WOKE SATANIC ORGY

- that promotes Pride, Gluttony & Lust

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Yapper level 1000

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Still doesn't change that it's disrespectful

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How is it disrespectful?

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

So it's OK for a man's testicle to be out next to a child. It's OK to promote your sexual proclivities and perversion, it's OK to promote mental illness and to say as a Christian that you have no problem with this I pray for you

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I don't care if it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, it had nothing to do with the Olympics. Whether it was depicting a pagan orgy or a Christian meal, it had no place in an Olympics opening ceremony.

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I recommend you watch a few more Olympics opening ceremonies.

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In catholic and am not particularly offended I think it was poor taste but what can I say I’m a continental rube. I do think it would have been more transgressive and honor the Parisian Charlie Hebdo magazine if they used an Islamic tradition as the background especially if it was meant to point out pointless religious violence of which France has suffered more from Islam in recent memory. But of course Christianity is the safe target bc the extent of my outrage is this comment on the internet.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29

You said nothing at all here, the point still stands that even though I do not believe the Last Supper painting itself is important to Christianity as it’s a worldly work of art, the point still remains they’ve attempted to mock Christ Jesus, the Son of God and savior of the world. (See: The Gospels of the Holy Bible)

I personally, as a follower of Christ Jesus and God the Father, do not take offense to the ceremony at all, not because it is not a mockery, because it is, but because my God cannot be mocked (see: Galatians 6:7, Proverbs 3:34), he has the final say and since this is a fact , I turn away from these foolish attempts at mocking God and understand he will give his wrath in his due time. ( see: Revelations 15:1)

So in my view these occultists, pagans, witches, sodomites, Babylonians etc. will do as they please because that is their way (see: 2 Timothy 3:2),. These adhere to, “do what thout wilt”, “pleasure first” (this is why these occultists use Dionysus because he represents drunken revelry , and indulgence in pure pleasure with no moral restraint). These so called Christian’s the occultist mock are lost , they forget the teachings of Christ who commands us to have no love for the world because he and his followers are not part of the world (see: 1 John 2:15-17, John 17:14). So these lost “Christians” who rail against the world for its mockery show their lack of faith by thinking God Almighty and his Son Christ Jesus need defending, they should know this is how the people of the world will act, they are full of sin and destined for death.

I only comment to let it be known that these mockery’s are nothing but reassurance that the word is correct for a true Christian. They will try to destroy religion and they will mock God (Revelation 18, 2 Timothy 3:1-5), it’s written in the Bible that they will do these things. So if you are a Christian, do not fret, as God did to Sodom he will bring his wrath to these who mock, in due time. For now all a Christian should concern themselves with is studying the word, trying to be like Christ Jesus, loving others , even those who mock us, and most importantly loving God with all our minds, heart and soul. Praise be to Jehovah God Almighty who sent the Messiah , our King Christ Jesus, so that we may be saved through him!

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Amen Brother!! He does not need us to defend him! We need to love our enemies and pray for their eternal souls.

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Like to see the mock Islam, but they won't, too afraid. That was It was sickening. I already hate that Minor Attracted Persons Newspeak. https://torrancestephensphd.substack.com/p/minor-attracted-persons-newspeak

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Huh? Who said anything about pedophiles? And these MAPs are a joke, no one takes them seriously on Twitter, just ignore them. What they do to children is disgusting, that's why it's a crime.

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Btw whatever you linked, I ain't reading it. I'm broke 😂

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They weren't mocking anything, love.

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Mock - To treat with ridicule or contempt; deride

contempt - attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn

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Since we're defining things:

The Feast of the Gods by Jan van Bijlert - the work of art this scene was based off of which is completely unrelated to Christianity and the last supper.

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It wasn’t ‘The Last Supper’. Even if it was, an artist rendering of a Biblical story is not inherently Christian and thus doing an art piece to recreate the art is not “blasphemous” or “anti-Christian”.

People need to get educated and unclutch their pearls. No one is out to persecute Christians more than Christians perceiving persecution…..

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It was standard wokeism. The depiction can easily be explained as relating to Dionysus even though it had to be understood ahead of time that many would see it as the last supper and many of those would be offended. This was all done under the umbrella/authority of the Olympic Committee. So in the end- those offended can be addressed with counter accusations of being dumb people who don't understand Greek stuff. An example of the oppressive cruelty designed to crush dissent in the guise of false virtue.

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It was the feast of Dionysus??? It wasn't even connected to Christianity. I don't disagree with what the author wrote, especially about French culture. France has been a progressive place for ages, and I'm pretty sure that it was the first western European country the legalize gay marriage. Yes, the fact that Dionysus doesn't change what the author wrote, it actually strengthens the argument. The Biblical story of Christ sounds like another retelling of Dionysus. I mean no disrespect by this, but it does, especially with the whole turning water into wine, sounds very Dionysian to me.

All love to the author, this article was surprisingly well written, I really didn't expect that.

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It was pretty disgusting.. and even if you accept the gaslighting that it wasn't the last supper, but a bachanalia... that's a drunken party and orgy.. why put that on center stage, why involve children.. it makes no sense. muslim athletes wearing a hjiab is wrong, but this is okay? shows you the level of morals of the organizers and a lens into french culture: namely hypocritical, judgemental, yet lacking in restraint or standards.

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Director is a jew, leading figure Barbara Butch is a jew, do we need to say any more? The Satanic cabal /Khazars want Christianity destroyed.

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You're confused. There is nothing "transgressive" about the last supper. It's right there in the bible, it was merely the last supper with christ and his apostles where he said, get together and have bread and wine to remember me. Period. Similarly, the last supper painting has nothing to do with the freaky weird catholic doctrine of transubstantiation. What... you thought DaVinci would paint a painting of Christ drinking his own blood? It's a ridiculous doctrine that nobody but catholics ever believed in, and even most of catholics rightly think the whole transubstantiation doctrine is bonkers. It's not Christian, not biblical, like a lot of nonsense themes the the catholic church invented. Stop mixing up catholicism with Christianity.

Also that dionysius painting almost nobody has heard of until now, especially relative to the last supper painting. If anything the dionysius painting was modeled after it... it was painted what about 200 years later when the last supper was probably the most well known painting in the world. So it's ridiculous to pretend that anyone today is stupid for not knowing the opening ceremony was based on a *relatively* unknown painting which was probably inspired by the last supper painting, which painting EVERYONE recognizes.

Personally, I wasn't offended. Knowing Europeans (I used to live in Germany) it didn't surprise me, it's a matter of appropriating, not mocking. They expected the fallout, nobody in charge of that scene was so stupid to expect otherwise, and no... not just fallout from the religious right in the states. Most all Christians in most countries thought it was in poor taste.

But that's par for the course when the French are in charge and every boundary has already been tested. What to do next? It's not surprising when it came to celebrating the French theme of freedom and love they used the example of a 3 horny kids in a library looking for a room for their own ménage à trois. My little ones asking me after that scene, "Dad what are they gonna do in that room?" Honestly I didn't think I'd be expected to be in that position afyer letting my kids watch the Olympics opening ceremony, apparently nothings safe for little ones to.watch on their own anymore.

So yeah, the Dionysus thing didn't bother me at all. Ehat bugs most of us is the need some always have to always push that envelope of whats appropriate for a public event. That shouldn't surprise me, yet I keep feeling disappointed when I see it like the ticking of a clock. You can always depend on people trying to get mileage out of a public event to forward their own personal agenda, no matter how much it has already been forwarded. Makes me wonder what's next on the agenda.

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We are starting to push so much down everyone's through about trans, but, gay, all if it. Well it's all personal and private matters. It's not meant to force anyone to believe any different.

I myself believe in being free and free to your own sexual preference. But mocking it during a ceremony for the Olympics or any ceremony. Well why it would have seemed more appropriate had there been a mix of race religion and evedently sex?

If we are to get along we must do it together.

Everyone wanted to not hide there choices. Well now you don't. But now you through it in our faces because we choose different? That's like turning the tables around not working together as one nation because we all have differences. Sexual, and all parts of life. But let us all be happy with ourselves and embrace it. But not mock something sacred . It's all just another shit storm to pull us apart. You should know

You caught for exactly what your now bitching about. It's crazy .

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What is it you seek?

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