
We’ve been listening to a lot of Beck lately. Hadn’t heard of TALK!

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That’s some good roots right there!

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Jason Isbell

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His fans love him so much I will give him a longer listen.

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I’ll give these other ones mentioned a listen. Reminds me a bit of Clutch and Tool - bands I listened to a lot when I was younger. Intense.

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https://wishpenny.com/shine_like_new Wishpenny music! "Shine Like New"

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I am listening to The Kinks

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Classical music station all day, always have and glad to be able to get it thru TV. In Denver there was a classical radio station that I even had it on in the car.

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Gorillaz, TALK, Black Keys, Beck...mixed with a lot of contemporary alternative.

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Hi Clint,

I have eclectic tastes. I’m a huge fan of Metallica (they are the ONLY heavy metal band I like); I love an Americana/folk music/storyteller named Shawn Mullins who is in Macon, Georgia (I’ve been listening to him for decades); ‘90s alternative (I know that’s a broad brush, but I like songs that are a certain shade of blue {those songs are in Minor keys} and ‘90s alternative had a lot of that. For example, Evanescence is a major "Blue" artist to me); Vivaldi; Mozart; Billie Eilish; Sarah McLauchlin; Loreena McKennitt; Simon & Garfunkel; Noctura; The Carolina Chocolate Drops; Abby the Spoon Lady; Scott Joplin; Michael Jackson; Prince.

Oh, and Jon Batiste's song and video called "Freedom" you HAVE to watch (the louder the better). I haven't listened to his other work as I can't stop watching "Freedom." It always makes me happy.

There's another video you HAVE to watch. "My Pal's Name is Foot Foot" by The Shaggs. Zascha hates it. I love it. But then, Kurt Cobain loved it, too; and I'm also a Nirvana fan. There’s also a remake of the original several decades later. It’s not quite as good as the original, but it’s still pretty good.

There are a bunch more - especially that Zascha shares with me (we have similar tastes in music) - but I don't remember the names of many of the artists. Anyway, that's kind of an overview of what I listen to.

Dakotah Rae Stone

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I’m also a Metallica guy. More generally I’ve been enjoying some bands that are in that same sonic category: you might try All Them Witches. Or Puta Volcano.

Also I wonder what color of bands I like the most. I don’t see the colors so wouldn’t know for sure but I love Radiohead and Warpaint and LCD Soundsystem.

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I am listening to an eclectic mix of Alan Jackson, Chicago , and songs such as Lift High the Cross, Borning Cry. I have paired songs with chapters of a manuscript I’ve been working on.

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