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When I was in college, I had a political science major tell me that any time two people interacted, that was politics. What I derive from this is that it is impossible to remove a political dimension from living. As the church offers a guide for living, it is therefore a necessary action for the church to be involved in politics. Historically there was a strain the the church writ large and Lutheran Pietism in particular to remove oneself from political life. This is also seen in groups like the Amish for example.

Certainly, close collaboration, such as in those countries who have declared a national religion, is fraught with distortion of the religious message and actions of churches. In 20th century German history, this was seen in the Nazi manipulation of the strains between Catholics and Lutherans, to the detriment of both congregations.

Therefore, it is necessary for the church to engage with political entities, but in a critical fashion, and to guide Christians as they interact with the political currents which sweep through our lives.

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