I don’t know about these acronyms but…

Have you read of the organizer Myles Horton?

He was organizing & training workers/unions thru to civil rights from the 30-60s. I he’s been one of the most inspirational insightful voices from that era that I’ve come across.

There’s a great PBS doc on him you can find on YouTube and he’s got a good book documenting his life & work.

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The IAF affiliate in Tulsa is ACTION Tulsa. Three of the the ELCA congregations have joined together to participate as Lutherans in ACTION. ACTION has had some success over the years. This year, we've gained a lot of attention through accountability sessions for school board and mayoral elections. Through many conversations, ACTION developed issues that are important to its members. The format of the accountability sessions is that a person tells their personal story the relates to an issue, then each candidate is asked if they will support ACTION's position on the issue. Each candidate has less than a minute to answer. No campaigning is allowed. ACTION was getting calls after the school board election accountability session from organizations that previously wouldn't speak with ACTION. Over 500 people attended the mayoral election session, which was held at an Episcopal Church. ACTION Tulsa has done other good things for the community. The accountability sessions are the most well known.

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