The old saw that we baptize infants to prevent heathens taking over the house came to mind, Charles. Your endearing love for your father was a baptism of your tears, and the anxiety you shouldered because a priest had lost the message of God‘s ebullient compassion, but that chapter was excised from the Baltimore Catechism.

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Will try to listen to the audio later, but appreciated what I gathered from the transcript. Thanks for sharing...

A pretty significant religious trauma I experienced in 3rd or 4th grade was being told my unbaptized father would not go to heaven by our priest during religious studies class in Catholic school. I've more than healed, in part thanks to my Catholic mother (who says she "baptized" him herself so no worries) and through relationships with people inside and outside the church/Christian identity. There are other traumas I recall, of varying significance, some occurring outside the church as an institution and others still connected.

Anyway, lots of this seems to resonate in various ways and in different registers with me...

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