I remember that morning vividly to this day. I was preparing to take food to a friend who was headed back to his home in Kansas. He had been visiting another friend after the loss of his wife to cancer a few months before. We had a small TV in the kitchen that I watched the news on. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I saw the first plane hit the Tower and immediately thought of the people in there and on the plane. When the second plane hit the next Tower I cried for all the people who were in this horror they were in. It was hard to leave the house to deliver the food to our friend and of course the home he had been visiting, they all knew and we shared a prayer of grief for the devastation that followed. It’s been a sad reminder on 9-11 again of the loss, grief, determination of survivors and families dealing with that loss again. Losing a loved one to illness is a hard cross to bear, but losing one to violence is unimaginable for those who experienced that and still do in mass shootings and war.

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Another powerful reaction also needs to be repentance for our complicity in the world as it is.

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